Gro Henningsen works with uncovering human experience, as it layers
itself in our memories and history, and as it can be traced in our
physical surroundings. The land of childhood is common to us all,
but it is far from the safe zone, free of conflict, that we sometimes
long for in blissfull oblivion, when the present is hard bear.
Tales of Tiree tells of a world where words are scarce, a world
that is clearly divided into a feminin and a masculin zone, where
silence weighs more than a thousand words. The child«s understanding
of the world does not begin with the word, it begins with the senses
and with actions; with the body - our physical being in the world.
Long before we master the language, we have learned of unwritten
laws, truth, lies, love and deceit.
short narrative texts, is a form that Nanna Gro Henningsen has been
working with for the last couple of years, alongside with installation
and sculpture. The installation presents the oppurtunity to investigate
our collective memories, our historical and cultural processes through
itÕs physical environment, whereas the short prose opens a door
to a more personal psycological space.
exhibition in GUK+
to more information about the artist: