she was three years of age, they lived in a small house with a corridor.
The wallpaper in the corridor was brownish grey with a pattern that
looked like a thousand eyes watching you, or so she told her mother.
One morning, when her father was away at sea, her mother told her
older brother to look after his sister, while she walked the four
miles to Haylipoll
to buy paint.
That day the corridor was painted bright yellow.
Nobody else in the village had a wall that colour.
The following day, while her mother was hanging out the laundry,
she took her red pencil and drew little ships on big waves, all
along the wall.
She was very satisfied with the result.
Her mother never said a word about it, but then
she never spoke much.
isle of Tiree lies south of the Hebrides,
n the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.
736 miles from Selfoss
736 miles from Lejre
736 miles from Hannover