- There
is a small planet in the universe which turns around itself and is called
Earth. 5,8 billion people dwell on it. The people have mostly been occupied
by the planets turn around itself, measuring it«s rotation accurately.
While measuring the earthlings turn around themselves like the earth
does. Being incautious they hurt against each other in the bustle that
- The planet
Earth also turns around the sun. That turn is so slow that people dont
feel the speed very much. The earthlings have most things in common,
f. ex. they enjoy taking pleasure trips with their companions. If only
we would think about the Earth's turn around the sun as if it were a
travel: Us on a pleasure trip with all the earthlings as travel partners.
- The sky
is unpredictable and mysterious and has no resemblance to anything.
It's either threatening or protective but always magnificent in an infinite
multifarious way. Those able to contemplate the sky will never be bored.
Earthlings have admired the same sky for over 130.000 years. We have
peered into it without discovering what it contains. It has been contemplated
from all imaginative viewpoints in order to find out who it belongs
to and who is it's master. Different beings have been fitted to the
sky, stories told about it, paintings made and drawings, poems recited,
songs sung and tunes played. The most beautiful thoughts have to do
with the sky. Earthlings have put all their confidence in the sky and
look toward it in hope for eternality and superior might. The moon,
stars, aurora borealis, winds, rain, sun and clouds. The clouds; they
say all that
is needed.
- The clouds
are painted on canvas and porcelain. Goddesses travel in the sky. One
of them lives on the moon. Out of vessels and tubs runs inexhaustible
water. Clouds, vapor or even spirits curl up from them.
- Two goddesses
travel down from the sky at midnight . One arrives from the east-sky
and the other from the west-sky. During night they stay in a tent in
Selfoss and paint clouds which they passed during their trip. The one
from the east-sky paints the clouds from the west-sky and the one from
the west-sky paints the clouds from the east-sky. Early morning they
stop painting and take off to the sky only to return to the tent at
midnight. Night after night they stay and continue painting the clouds.
in Icelandic