how to prolong a residency |
how to prolong a residency Installations at four different places in Europe 1. Barn / Lejre, Denmark: small fire There will be a small artifical (camp) fire installed on the floor of the barn in Lejre/Denmark. The sculpture is made out of wooden logs, painted and spread over a black and a red flat circle (polythene) which lay on top of each other. It will be placed fitting to the individual shape and the conditions of the barn. The fire adds a symbolic heating to the space which allows only to shelter from weather. 2. Garden / Selfoss, Island: tarpaulines, fundaments Two tarpaulines (blue and green) are stretched with metal nails and fixed on the ground with stones like tends in the widespread garden in Selfoss. They define a transistoric space as carpets do in a flat.There is also a sort of distinct area, marked with safety bend around a kind of secret space. And there is the beginning of a fundament: that«s a piece of the lawn which is carefully taken off from the soil in a rectangular shape to signify a new building to come. 3. Kitchen / Bremen,Germany: silver stock sculpture Many potatoes, apples and a few lemons are each wrapped in aluminium foile and put together as a silver pile which is placed on the kitchen«s main table. Food and storage of food, the ending of resources are fundamental in modern life as they were in former times. 4. Video, travelling on Laptop/ I-net A video shows only hands, hands in action: they recieve material, things, just to pass them to other people. The video shows a continuous transitoric stream of goods. |