Higher Beings
They were conceived by The Icelandic Love Corporation
some months ago. In a sensuous and dramatic place. The idea
has been growing and by now they have made their mark on
people and property in many different places. They predict
good feelings and general optimism. In a sense everybody is
a Higher Being inside themselves. For a minute or a
lifetime. Consciously or unconsciously. Big or small.
They bring with them warmth and generosity, giving food
and drink to passers by. Their costumes are a mix of Beauty
Queens/Politicians/Superheroes/Religious Figures. Their
shoes are golden and the heels are shimmering. Their paths
are touched.
When the initial four Higher Beings are in the same spot
they can connect their capes to become the only visual
artists visible from the moon.
They have produced an introductory video where
members of the congregation express their feelings and
thoughts. This video is available by sending e-mail to